Easy ways to import Thailand food product
Hi ! Everybody
This content we will talk about how easy you can import product from our company. As you know we are not only the manufacturer but also sourcing services provider.
For easy understanding, We will present one of our client’s case who is from USA, Mr. Rob.
Mr. Rob is a food importer from USA. He would love to find product from Thailand but the problem is Time and Money. Mr.Rob has just established his company for 2 years and he has many things to do including sourcing new product to growth sale revenue and profits.
He was looking for a partner in Thailand who could do sourcing services so he serched google and fortunately brought him to find our 3M Food Product Website.
3M Food Product (www.3mfoodproduct.com) have a variety of Food product that he is looking for and also do sourcing services which he want from Thailand.
On our website page, he looked for the important information such as a company profile, location and other details in order to check if it is a realizable company or not. Then when he checked and knew that our company has meet his requirements, finally he decided to contact us.
3M Food Product has many way to contact such as
Company E-mail : info@3mfoodproduct.com
Live chat on website
Alibaba site inquiry inbox and live chat
and also company whatsapp
He choose to contact us via whatsapp because he already had and use it in USA which help him to get fast response and convenient.
Not more than 1 hour , 3M Food Product sourcing consultant reply him back and start business conversation. He was very appreciate for the fast response and asking for company services.
3M Food Product has their own product which is Jeedjard Fruit Candy, Fruite-10 Chewy Candy and gummy and also Dolly’s Thailand traditional biscuits.
For the sourcing you can send the list of product you need and 3M Food Product will reply you as soon as possible that they can find that kind of product for you or not.product that can make profits for your business.
3M Food Product not only responsible for every thing they sell to customer but also taking care and work very close to importer to build market together as much as they can support
Working with 3M Food Food is very fun. They are very friendly and open for any opinions and you can believe that all product from their client is a quality product that can make profits for your business.
Mr. Rob is very happy to work with 3M Food Product and hope to be the long-term partner.